国产精品成人一区二区三区无码视频,国产又粗又黄又大又长视频 ,寡妇一级婬片A片AAA片,国产精品乱码一区二区三区视频

牛業(yè) Cattle industry


Since its establishment in 2005, Binxi Cattle has invested to build a whole animal protein industry including corn processing, live cattle slaughtering, pig slaughtering, food processing and meat specialty stores. chain. It also introduced a full set of technical equipment from German Bansi and American Chavez, with an annual production capacity of 100,000 beef cattle slaughtered. It has an acid discharge warehouse with 1200 heads of total acid discharge at one time and a refrigerated warehouse of 20,000 tons of finished products, which is the industry leader of China‘s cattle industry.


国产精品成人一区二区三区无码视频,国产又粗又黄又大又长视频 ,寡妇一级婬片A片AAA片,国产精品乱码一区二区三区视频